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Womens conference 2024(m2).png


This year, our 2024 National Women's Conference will be held on Saturday

21st September ​


VENUE:Abundant Life Centre

Jupiter Drive

Hemel Hempstead

Hertfordshire,HP2 5NU

THEME: "Time & Balance" ​​

Womens conference 2024(m2).png

Download the special full programme in PDF (8 Pages)


Saturday 21st Sept




10.00am - 11.00am          Arrival - Tea/coffee & fellowship

11.00am - 11.15am.         Welcome & Prayer - 1st Lady Yvonne McIntosh

                                            Moderator - Missionary Paulettee Jackson,                                                           London Jurisdicton President.

                                            Scripture reading - Psalms 46:10

                                            Survey introduction - Sis. Vern Mussington,                                                         Midlands Jurisdiction President

11.15am - 11.30am          Call to worship

                                             Praise & Worship – Evangelist Rachel-Yvonne                                                      McIntosh

11.30am - 12.30am           Group work - Sis. Vern Mussington, Midlands                                                       Jurisdiction President

12.30pm - 12.45pm           Offering & Alter call

                                              Close of morning session




14.00pm - 14.10pm           Welcome & Prayer

                                              Moderator - Missionary Regina Robinson,                                                             London Jurisdiction Vice President

                                              Scripture reading - Psalms 46:10

14.10pm - 14.25pm           Call to worship

                                              Praise & Worship – Minister Janine Kelly

14.30pm - 15.30pm           Group work - Sis. Deborah Palmer, Midlands                                                       Jurisdiction Vice President

15.30pm - 15.40pm           Offering

                                              Scripture showers - 1st Lady Yvonne McIntosh &                                               1st Lady Sandra Copeland

15.40pm - 16.20pm           Speaker - Minister Rose Richardson

16.20pm 16.50pm             Alter call & prayer ministry

16.50pm - 17.00pm           Remarks and closing prayer - Elder Penny                                                           Gordon, National Women’s President

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